About Me

I am a Christian wife and mother. I have 4 children, 21-27. Yep, I’m an empty nester!

It’s a weird, sad, and wonderful time of life! Yes, I said sad. I loved having my children at home! We are, however, expecting our first grandchild in September! We couldn't be more excited!

I was a stay-at-home mom for 26 years.

As priorities have changed in my life, needs have also changed a.k.a. college tuition!

(One graduate from UGA and three at Georgia Tech make for very interesting family gatherings!)

After much prayer, I believe that God is leading me in a new direction.

I have been sewing for 36 years. I have been a crafty person since childhood.

My interests have been diverse and have included such crafts as sewing, hand embroidery, quilting, jewelry making, paper crafts, painting, photography, home decorating, and the latest, machine embroidery. Simply put, I love to craft!
I have sold my creations at craft fairs throughout the years and by word of mouth for the past several years. Currently I am venturing into the world of online selling, opening my Etsy shop in the next few weeks.

I began playing the flute as a 5th grader and played continuously throughout my school years.
I taught beginning students while I was in high school
and directed a middle school orchestra at a church
for 2 years. Playing gives me so much satisfaction and I look forward to sharing that!

God has been very gracious to me! He has blessed me in so many ways, from family, friends, a wonderful church and many creative talents.

It is my prayer that this business will, first and foremost, glorify God.

Secondly, I pray that I would be able to pass on my love of sewing and music to a whole new generation.

I am looking forward to this new adventure that God is taking me on!

Karen Cassidy

"soli Deo gloria"

(Glory to God Alone)